Saturday, March 20, 2010


So let me start out by saying that I am not, nor have I ever claimed to be an athlete. But lately, in my attempt to lose this post-baby weight by training for a triathlon this summer, I am almost starting to feel like one. For the first time in my life I enjoy exercise. That in itself is a small miracle in my book. So today I undertook and accomplished a task that I am very proud of...I successfully climbed the 42 story US Bank building in downtown Milwaukee! It was a fundraiser for the American Lung Association. My dear friends and family supported my efforts by donating over $1300! This climb came 1 year and 1 day after my mom died of lung disease (COPD and emphysema to be exact). So this was a tribute to her. It doesn't hurt that my sister and I both have asthma....I mean who doesn't know someone who suffers from a lung disease? So, I climbed...and climbed.... I started off strong. Humility set in about floor 3 when my springy steps slowed to a turtle-like crawl. 3 floors? Really? But as my dear friend, Amy, reminded me..."slow and steady wins the race!" So, I stopped a few times to catch my breath (I admire the irony of that!), and kept slowly stepping. Imagine by excitement (and utter disbelief if I am being honest) when I climbed 47 floors (we started in the basement) in 18 minutes 39 seconds. Woohooo!!!! Yippeeee!!!! Yahoooo!!!!

I am so excited to have accomplished this, and in that time. I never in my life would have thought I could do it in that time. I thought those times were for someone who was running it (the top person did it in like 5 minutes...I find that just superhuman!). But it makes me wonder in what else do we limit ourselves.... what else do we think we could never do, so we don't try? What joys and experiences do we keep ourselves, or our kids or families, from experiencing because we think we will fail?? Hmmm.

Last night I told my daughter that I was doing something CRAZY today and climbing up lots of stairs. I told her it would be like climbing up our stairs like 50 times. She was upset she couldn't come do it with me. But at bed time prayers after we said our communal prayer, she surprised me by praying for me! She asked Jesus to help me climb up lots of stairs and to "help her gets lots of energy!" Amen!

Speaking of baby steps and doing something you thought you couldn't do, our Little Man, who is 18 months old this week, has been walking with assistance for a couple months. He had gotten to the point that he could walk as long as you were touching him (touching...not holding on). But if you stopped touching him he would sit down. He just didn't know he could do it! But last weekend he finally figured it out! So, now my Little Man is walking!! Hmm, maybe I need to start calling him my Big Man! So, I hope this week you step out in faith and do something you would have never thought you could do. It doesn't have to be huge or life steps here! Then let me know how it went!